Wrld.circle(latLng, options)

Extends: L.Circle

// Create a circle in downtown San Francisco.
Wrld.circle([37.786542, -122.386022], { color: 'red', radius: 50.0 }).addTo(map);        
Argument Type Description
latlng Wrld.LatLng The center of the circle.
options object Accepts all of the options to L.Circle, plus additional wrld.js entries.


Options Type Default Description
elevation number 0.0 Altitude above ground or sea level in meters.
elevationMode string ‘heightAboveGround’ Whether altitude is measured above ground level (“heightAboveGround”) or sea level (“heightAboveSeaLevel”).
indoorMapId string ’’ The id of the indoor map with which the Circle will be associated.
indoorMapFloorId number 0 The identifier of the indoor map floor on which the Circle should be displayed. In the WRLD Indoor Map Format, this corresponds to the ‘z_order’ field of the Level object.
displayOption string ‘currentFloor’ Controls when the Circle should be displayed in an indoor map. Option ‘currentIndoorMap’ will draw the Circle in the appropriate indoor map when any floor is selected; ‘currentFloor’ will draw the Circle only on the specified floor.



Returns the elevation in meters.


Set the elevation in meters.

Argument Type Description
elevation number The elevation in meters.


Returns the elevation mode.


Set the elevation mode.

Argument Type Description
elevationMode string Whether altitude is measured above ground level (“heightAboveGround”) or sea level (“heightAboveSeaLevel”).
Props Wrld.Prop
Themes Wrld.themes
Heatmaps Wrld.Heatmap
Events Event objects
Services (Optional) WrldPoiApi