

A set of parameters for a RoutingQuery.




RoutingQueryOptions addWaypoint(LatLng latLng)

Add an outdoor waypoint to the route.

Returns: This RoutingQueryOptions object.

Type argument Description
LatLng latLng A LatLng this route should pass through.

RoutingQueryOptions addIndoorWaypoint(LatLng latLng, int indoorFloorId)

Add an indoor waypoint to the route.

Returns: This RoutingQueryOptions object.

Type argument Description
LatLng latLng A LatLng this route should pass through.
int indoorFloorId The ID of the floor this point lies on.

RoutingQueryOptions setTransportationMode(TransportationMode transportationMode)

Set which mode of transport this route should use, e.g Walking, Driving. Driving routes are available for limited areas. Please contact for details.

Returns: This RoutingQueryOptions object.

Type argument Description
TransportationMode transportationMode The desired transportation mode.

RoutingQueryOptions onRoutingQueryCompletedListener(OnRoutingQueryCompletedListener onRoutingQueryCompletedListener)

Sets a listener to receive routing results when the query completes.

Returns: This RoutingQueryOptions object.

Type argument Description
OnRoutingQueryCompletedListener onRoutingQueryCompletedListener A listener implementing the OnRoutingQueryCompletedListener interface.
Overview Introduction
Picking PickResult
Widgets (Optional) BlueSphere
Tag Service (Optional) TagService OnTagsLoadCompletedListener
RouteView Widget (Optional) RouteView RouteViewOptions