
Package: com.eegeo.mapapi.buildings

Options used to construct a BuildingHighlight object.



Default constructor for building highlight creation parameters.


BuildingHighlightOptions highlightBuildingAtLocation(LatLng location)

Sets options to attempt to highlight any building present at the given latLng location.

Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called

Type argument Description
LatLng location The location

BuildingHighlightOptions highlightBuildingAtScreenPoint(Point screenPoint)

Sets options to attempt to highlight any building present at the given screen point for the current map view.

Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called

Type argument Description
Point screenPoint The screen-space point

BuildingHighlightOptions color(int color)

Sets the color of the building highlight as a 32-bit ARGB color. The default value is opaque black (0xff000000).

Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called, with the new color set.

Type argument Description
int color The color to use.

BuildingHighlightOptions informationOnly()

Sets options such that, if a BuildingHighlight object is created with these options and added to a map, it will not result in any visual highlight overlay being displayed. In this case, the BuildingHighlight object is used only for the purpose of retrieving BuildingInformation.

Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called, with the option set.

BuildingHighlightOptions buildingInformationReceivedListener(OnBuildingInformationReceivedListener listener)

BuildingInformation for a BuildingHighlight that is created and added to the map is fetched asynchronously. This method sets a listener object to obtain notification when BuildingInformation for a BuildingHighlight created with these options is received.

Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called, with the option set.

Overview Introduction
Picking PickResult
Widgets (Optional) BlueSphere
Tag Service (Optional) TagService OnTagsLoadCompletedListener
RouteView Widget (Optional) RouteView RouteViewOptions